Why pay for activities I can find for free?

Q: I find so many free activities through your blog, Pinterest, Facebook and everywhere! Why would I join The Activity Room instead of just using those activities for free?

Such a great question! Members would tell you that what keeps them motivated, inspired and consistent with doing activities is having the guidance, community support, and ease that The Activity Room provides.

Another perk: I do ALL the planning for you!

By having all the planning done for you, you’ll be able to focus on the bigger adventures in your life!

Our activity calendars are curated each month for you to discover simply ideas that keep your child engaged and interested, as well as learning new things. We strategically plan each month to cover all areas of development and learning throughout the month.

Additionally, you get access to the entire library of activities and crafts that will save your rainy days from being boring -- or worse, zombied out in front of a screen.

You’ll never hear “I’m bored” again :)

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