What's the difference between your Ebooks and The Activity Room?

The Early Years Bundle (or ebooks)

Our most popular bundle of activity plan ebooks includes four ebooks that are broken down by age group, and specific activity goals: DISCOVER ( 1 year olds ), PLAY ( 2 year olds ), ENGAGE & LEARN (both for preschoolers). These ebooks each contain 35 pre-planned activities with one supply  list,  and some additional resources. They are a one-time purchase.

Learn more about the Early Years Bundle here.

The Activity Room

The Activity Room membership is like getting a new "ebook" of activity plans every month. It brings you seasonal activities from several places: brand new activities, classic activities already on the website, some activities from our other eBooks, and even featured activities from our members. The activities are designed for ages 2 to 5 years old, with variations offered for each activity. 

The Activity Room also comes with some accountability: we'll send you weekly and beginning-of-month reminders to stay on top of your activities. Or, you can optionally choose to get daily activity alerts with today's full activity details sent directly to you (like one of our popular 7-day challenges). There's a private Facebook group for sharing, staying motivated, and connecting with Jamie and other members. We also do a new theme each month to help you strengthen your family and home, with simple homework suggestions on the weekend.

Learn more about The Activity Room.

Purchased Both, and Don't Know Where to Start?

We suggest jumping into the content of The Activity Room so you can follow along with the weekly emails we'll be sending, and benefit from the community support in the Facebook group (if you use FB). Then, you can use the Early Years bundle of  activity  plans as a supplement of extra activities, neatly organized by age for when you need them.

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